Saturday, July 14, 2012

I slipped again I haven't blogged in a few days and I would say I am in the bottom of a swell of emotion and motivation.  I have been buying things these last few days but my camera has not been cooperating.  Anyways...I have been doing some work but certainly not at the level I would like.  I did purchase this cute little sheep made of I don't know what.  It was white and black and I painted it a turquoise blue and I will add lime green to it.

Oh...I have watched some movies in the last few days.  I watched "Do the Right Thing" by Spike this movie.  I watched "The Cowboys" with John Wayne,  "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and last night I watched "Lost in Translation" with Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannson. 

So not all is lost!  Ok, lets see if I can keep this blogging thing going. 
By the way, if you love art and color and thick brush strokes check out this lady I found on etsy
Judith Rhue.  Her work is absolutely amazing!

I am off to the wild blue yander!

Metal Maniac

Monday, July 2, 2012

Yesterday Sucked

Well yesterday I worked and it was busy as heck so no time to post evening a blurb!  So this is my catch up from yesterday.  Nothing big cause I didn't do any work on projects except to bead blast these salt and pepper shakers!

I am back to work today...but I do have some time to get some work done....not sure what that task will be!  

For not...thats it!

Metal Maniac

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Now this is COLORFUL

I am going to take this break from regularly scheduled blogging to bring you this.

Spotted this beauty at a red light on Central and 4th!  Had to snap a picture of it!

Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging!  The garage sales were lame.  But I did finsh Miss Cow and her basket of apples!  Isn't she adorable outside or on your mantal?

Prettier than Elsie!  Time for you to go on Etsy and find a new home.  And time for me to get ready for work!  YUCK!

Metal Maniac

Friday, June 29, 2012

Garage sale find of the day

Ok well, its the onlyh thing I found today!  And its ALL METAL!  Ha Ha Ha (in my best evil voice)!

What color will this become.....hmmmm!  Ocean blue? 

Now back to painting.  Then sandblasat my ship and sail away!

Metal Maniac! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hey 2 post in ONE day!

Ok....I can't get to carried away. I had a lackluster day painting but did manage to prime a few items and get them prepped for painting. By far my best week for working on projects yet. Working less helps

It was supposed to be a turquios day but it turned out only pink! Made some progress on the "funky lamp" but fell a little behind on the heart. Nothing a little wet sanding can't handle.

I did manage a little progress on the little girl holding her ears figurine. She was she is.....

Not the best picture but you get the point!

All is BRIGHT in New Mexico. Well, if I have anything to do with it.

Metal Maniac

Terrible @ Blogging

I have been terrible at blogging...I need to get disciplined as with all aspects of my life!  So I will try to dedicate some time today to blog!

I worked with lots of pink yesterday and will more today.  I will put the finishing touches on this salt and pepper shaker and then begin a new set that I purchased.  This one will be turquois and lime green.  This pink one will make its way to our etsy shop later today!

This heart is another project that should be finished today and I will add the finishing touches and sell it on Etsy.

So many more projects to get to including updating and expanding the website and head out to garage sales to hunt for new items to sell and restore!

Thats it for now...lets see if I can get discplined to blog more!

Metal Maniac

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Back at It

Boy, I have been missing the boat on blogging.  I need to get more disciplined about writing here.  Which is funny cause I enjoy writing...its good thearopy for me.  So I will make a better effort to keep up with my Esty store escapes.....some behind the scenes stuff to see what goes on around here.